
Monday 13 January 2014

Strewth! Season 3


otherwise known as the ‘Story of Ruth’,

continues it’s award winning run with the much acclaimed third season.

[stextbox id=“alert”]In these episodes, Ruth, a nubile wench from the outer reaches of an obscure British principality, travels to the south of France in search of her inner spirituality[/stextbox]

The story starts in Cardiff bus station, where Ruth is rescued by two passing Samaritans, Phil & Annick. They take her around with them to meet some local characters including Roger and Denzil, a double act where Roger plays the straight man to Denzil’s unending wit, Tony & Sue, another double act where one tries to out-talk the other, and Lindsey & Nigel, the 'country folk’ who advise on the use of natural country products in an environmentally sound way (such as making sure you empty the entire bottle…)

She met many other local folk, such as Jon, the street busker who is developing the power to see inside your very core, Lisa the renowned vocalist who uses her skills to support her ageing father, Sophie, a new-age polyglot and Luke who, mysteriously, wasn’t there…

Days of constant wining and dining come as a shock to Ruth’s rustic constitution, and so she and her erstwhile keepers flew this rampant den of iniquity to find a more spiritual land.

Here she finds succour for her troubled heart. French wine is very good you know. As are cream cakes…
Celebrations of the festive season continue in the centre of Montauban, well known for its wild parties, as you can see here…
A sojourn to Bruniquel helps Ruth heal her fractured soul
It was, however, clear that a deaper truth needed to be sought-after. To this end, the great and mystic gurus of the mountains were sought out in a trek to the lonely Valley of Ger.
It was here, on New Years Eve, that Ruth encounteres the healing powers of the local village 'idiosyncratics’ Mike & Kim. Kim gives a wonderful demonstration of how to hold yourself together in the savage wilds of those isolated mountains.
And so, finally, there are signs of inner peace, especially with Annick…
The now reborn Ruth takes on such mighty tasks previously unthought of, such as dog walking…
and attempting to out-stare a duck…
Quickly realising that more is needed, heaving muscular sweaty men are sought-out and found, much to Ruth’s bemusement having not seen before such feats of human testosterone.
In the final climactic episode, Ruth finds inner truth in the remote gorge-side place of worship; Rocamadour. Here, she sits contemplating the stairway to heaven.
On finally reaching those giddy heights, she finds the final truth.
A bench.
Thus this epic series ends on a high, with Ruth feeling much stronger in heart and ready to face that which is to come…

…Season 4.