
Sunday 16 June 2019

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.

Every year, in the Pyrenees, is seen the pastoral tradition where sheep are moved en mass from their winter pastures to graze the mountains.
The Transhumance. 
Sheep are rounded up into one large flock of like-minded (empty headed) individuals. Each sheep follows the rest. All are glued together by the promise of greener grass.
Each sheep thinks that it knows best. Each sheep lives its own dream. Each is unique.
Each does exactly the same as the other.
Each follows its own unique destiny, just like everyone else.
Ignore the sticks, ignore the shouting, it's just project fear.
This behaviour is not seen in all species, but is most prominently displayed in mankind. Thus the word Transhumance maybe?
This is the 'grass is greener' syndrome. Instead of staying comfortably in the green fields of Europe, how about we all bugger off to the middle of the Atlantic?
All we need is a leader....
Here's a likely looking sheep...
His name is Boris..
Here we are, arriving at our new destination about to be given our freedom.
We are free!!!
Free to roam.
Free to pay more for our food.
Free to have less choice.
Free to have less freedom to control our own regulations.
Free to be poorer.
Unless you are one of the wolves...
in which case; Eat the Sheep.

A Milestone

Of Bee-eaters and Bananas.

 Spring may have sprung early this year, but it has developed something of a leak as it has limped through to June.
Damp, cold, changeable. Sounds very familiar to this old Welsh inhabitant. Well, every cloud (and there has been a surfeit) has a sliver lining. Most of the plant life has loved it.
The miles of banking, previously likened to 'polka-dot bikinis', have filled out, bulging against their limits.
The plastic liner is gradually being devoured.
We have reached a milestone here. The planting has finally finished, with thousands planted, cataloguing them all will take months!
The vines planted here two years ago were then just ailing adult stems, shorn of their tendrils. Now it rambles with gusto over the pergola, stuffed with embryonic grapes.
This gives on to a view that is easy for anyone to relax to. 
But not all are relaxing. The flush of flower power has brought with it pollinators galore. These in turn have attracted some beautiful predators. The bee-eaters.
Last year we had our first pair. This year we have a flock of around ten of them!
All this pollinating, along with the mild weather, has produced my first ever bananas, growing deep in the already enormous banana trees.
There has been a second milestone reached. Deep in the deep dark wood, the treehouse has been finished and awaits is first occupants...
Ground floor; toilet.
First floor, bedroom and lounge.
Top floor, room with a view...
This is definitely Phil's Folly