
Friday 10 November 2023

Moments Lost in Time.

We are back! Finally, from the Loire Valley, with all accompanying grand-kids intact. It is now time to leave poor Trevor the Troll (our home on wheels) in his cave for the winter.

For us: it's time for down-time. Time to relax. To wind down. To listen to the blues. To read anything but the news. 

To chill.

The weather also is in chill mode. The first snows of the season have waited for us to arrive in our mountain domain. It is, however, only about a millimetre thick at best, so don't pack your skis just yet awhile.

The colours though. 


Summer is dying in style.

The bright sun brings out the colour and the contrast. Perfect conditions to enjoy nature by steeping ourselves in it, maybe with a long mountain walk?

The mountain weather, as per bloody usual, has other ideas. The rain sets in, clouds fill the valley, giving us a stark choice. 

Walk in the wind and rain. 


... home sweet home...

Guess our response. It matched Sky's.

All of which gives me time to play with my photos and time-lapse videos.

First off, here is a video combining photos and videos, showing the end of summer up here in our little corner of paradise. Watch the clouds dance:

Then for those of you still with me, this is my first, and almost certainly my last, attempt at sci-fi:

Moments Lost in Time

Like Tears in Rain

Sunday 5 November 2023

Troll-Trek Series 1, Episode 19: Of Creatures & Castles

 We awoke the next morning in something akin to a pond. Stepping outside of the van involved snorkels. So, amazingly, everyone but me stayed inside.

Today we are to return home to the Deep South. We are now on Plan C. Plan A was to stop near Limoges for a surprise visit to a local wildlife park. The Rain Gods said no. So, if water was today's topic, why not visit the local aquarium? The Rain Gods simply laughed.

This was to be a bugger of a day to drive, so best set off early, drive slowly and stop frequently. Plus drink bucket-loads of coffee.

The first half of the journey has been surprisingly good. The local roads up here are well maintained and the villages quaint. The traffic has been kept away by the weather making the morning drive surprisingly pleasant. 

Then the motorway. As much as French motorways are class one, when it's pissing down it ain't no fun. To make matters worse, as the two planned surprises were not to be, we stopped at (and I hate to admit this) a MacDonalds. Thankfully I slept through the entire experience.

Thus, today, my camera never left its bag. 

This leaves me with space to fill. Giving me the opportunity to present to you two videos of this bucket-list week. 

First: the Castles:


And the finale: the Zoo in Beauval. As I've often said, I dislike most zoos. But... 


Friday 3 November 2023

Troll-Trek Series 1, Episode 18: Chaumont

Our sojourn in the Loire Valley was coming to an end, as tomorrow we head back home to deposit our two live-wires back (after a final night in Lamothe 😓) with their parents. 

I'm sure they can't wait...

This morning we woke fully charged. Well, except, as usual, me. 

As luck would have it, the Chateau de Chaumont awaited, on this very day, a very royal visit.

Two princesses, dressed in traditional garb, graced this fairytale castle with their presence.

Although they weren't too keen on the sleeping arrangements.

The chapel had been prepared for them, carefully placing natural and artistic objects in such a bizarre way as to give a feeling of intense unease. 

The one positive aspect was a billiard table, but even there the idiots had hung candles over it!


The fairytale roof design interested me, but then I'm not a princess. 

Despite all this negativity, both princesses entered positive thoughts into the royal guest book.

They then took their rightful place. 

Leaving Chaumont, we had just enough time to get to Amboise and wander our royal way into town to visit the local peasants.

A memorable day for the peasants.

I have gradually come to the conclusion that there must be more castles in the Loire Valley than there are local inhabitants.

The town itself is typical old France, although the local artists seemed a little too right-wing for me.

Our final night in the Loire. 

The sky starts to change. 

Tomorrow promises record rainfall.

Tomorrow will be wet. In more ways than one...


Thursday 2 November 2023

Troll-Trek Series 1, Episode 17: Chambord.

The night was somewhat restless as the tail-end of Storm Cairon thrashed our van in vain, our combined weight proving too much for the Gods of Wind. They should eat more fibre.

We still had no power, but once dawn arrived, the sun started to pump its photons into our roof panels. Whilst our van absorbed this energy, we set off to find an alternative source of coffee....

As castles go, this has to be well up there amongst the most amazing. 

The external detail is astonishing.

The internal design labyrinthine. 

This castle just glows with architectural genius. And immense overt opulence. As a castle it is absolutely incredible and you must all try to get to visit it. 


As a defensive structure it's bloody useless. This is no shelter from the massed armies of Europe, this is simply there to say "Look what I've got and you cannot have!"

Despite our moral indignation, the two girls set off to discover clues and generally run amok. 

To help train our two crazed infants in the arts of war, a special exhibition was set up for them.

Battle tactics were well described

Special Harry Potter owl training was included.

And just to make the kids feel comfortable, an in depth description of the hundred years war against us helpless English was included, 

Death walks amongst us. 

Once the young trainees had come out of their post traumatic stress, we once more headed outside.

The gardens were kinda formal, and the forest was kinda dangerous due to continuing hurricane force tree felling. It was also bloody cold.

Thus we didn't get too far...

The word I'm looking for is 'windswept'...

It was time to leave and head off to find some power for the van. 

The sun had supplied our battery with what seemed like enough electricity, but some resistant gremlin in the works meant we had to search for a 220v supply.

After two false starts, we finally found somewhere to settle for the night. 

That is, once two raving lunatics had been sedated...

Tomorrow, our last castle, the Chateau de Chaumont, (here) before heading back south into hopefully better climes...

Night night.

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Troll-Trek Series 1, Episode 16: Blois

 This week away has not been aided by the weather. It has rained most mornings and been half-and-half most afternoons. Yesterday the weather gods looked down kindly upon us. This was, unfortunately, not a free gift. Today we paid the price. You just can't go upsetting any old gods you know.

Our spirits were not to be dampened by the god's wrath, although the solar panels on our van, lacking their life's blood, have, in protest, gone on strike. This has left me typing this evening by candle light...

My camera was reluctant to show itself this morning as we strove valiantly to be good tourists. We were here to see the Chateau de Blois, nestled deep in the town of Blois on the edge of the River Loire. So neatly nestled in fact that it's not easy to spot it without actually tripping over it. This, combined with the damp nature of the atmosphere means that almost all pictures are from inside.

This castle is steeped in history, with multiple megalomaniac kings of France having used it as their holiday home, each of them adding bits to suit their taste.  

An interesting history then. And we all know how much young children love history.

They did, however, find some things to amuse them.

The weather improved just in time for the sun to go home.

Giving us a glimpse of the beauty of Blois.

There was just time for the obligatory horse ride...

...before setting off back to the van.

Time to sleep. Well, without electricity in the van there wasn't much bloody choice...

Tomorrow we visit another castle, Chambord (here). We then need to adjust our agenda to go in search of some electrons. Let's hope the oncoming Storm Ciarán allows us to sleep tonight. 

Well, the kids did ask for an adventure...