
Friday 10 April 2015


The long drawn out saga of Annick’s Dad’s farewell to planet earth continues at its normal pace; that would be excruciatingly slowly then….

Harrowing and wholly frustrating might be other words to use. Horrible for Papa, and nearly equally so for Maman.

Two days ago, once again Papa was on the very edge of the abyss, with the Grim Reaper solemnly staring down at him awaiting his duty, then yesterday, he was attempting to talk again. The doctors there seem impervious to Death’s stare, and are saying that they will operate next week to place a gastric feeding tube. I’m not utterly convinced that they have examined him or are even talking about the same person…

We managed a days respite in the Pyrénées, something always worth a photo or two.

It’s been a couple of weeks since we visited the old homestead…

This was my last opportunity for two weeks to take the dogs for a walk due to being once again horizontal. This time only for the removal of plate and screws so no need for sympathy guys.

OK. let it flow…

Well, you gotta love those dawgs. leaping crevices, chasing wild animals, rambling through forest, rolling in shit…

Mostly the latter.

Sky is still indecisive about frog spawn though. 

Well, it was one day well spent to recharge our batteries before our journey back into limbo…

… and so, in search of something useful to do in a recumbent position, I’m off to watch the entire Lord of the Rings / Hobbit series of films back to back. Or maybe I’ll get back to writing that book. Whad’ya think? Answers on a postcard…

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