
Sunday 26 June 2016

I've finally figured it out.

Ok, I admit to being a little bemused by the vote to leave Europe. What was the reason so many voted for the leave campaign?
Was it Farrage’s personality?
Er, no.
Was it Johnson’s ability to lie? After, he’s one of the few journalists fired for lying. Imagine that!
I’ve finally figured it out. It’s Gove’s ideology.
Everyone knows that when Gove ran the health service, he wanted to ditch evidence based science and the rational use of medicines for homeopathy.
That’s it! The £350 million a week is not to be spent on actual stuff, it’s to be spent on NOTHING. Yes! All the promises will be diluted down (it’s already happening) until there is not a single promise left in a volume the size of the entire solar system!
Everyone loves a good magician, so we’ll done everyone who voted for the wizard.
One good thing to come out of this debacle is that the vast majority of the young voters voted using empathy, consideration of others, a lack of racism, a lack of greed, and thought for the future. After all, it is their future.
I’m proud of them, but, today, I’m ashamed to be British.

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