
Tuesday 28 March 2017

Chasing Cheeks.

Passing the finishing line for the ten kilometre run in the Montauban Marathon last weekend was a slight disappointment. It's not that I could've gone on much further. No, not that (because, frankly, I was close to collapse). It wasn't even the lack of endorphin rush that everyone keeps telling me about. (Is that even a thing?)
It was the end of the bottoms.
Let me explain.
I was on my own. Several had promised to run with me to help carry my portable respirator, none turned up. I was to run alone. No one to chat to, no one to offer cardiac massage. Alone.
We set of slowly...


Well, I did anyway. 
It soon became clear that my training had not fully prepared me. These guys were running! Bloody hell! I needed to improvise. 
Whilst running, my field of view is somewhat narrow. I run looking down to check for stones and crevasses (I did train in the Pyrénées). This was different. Instead of rough tracks, there were lots of bottoms. Seriously! Pretty much all that I could see were bottoms. 
I had to turn this to my advantage. I focused on a passing pert derriere, and tried to keep up with it. I pushed myself to  stay close, fearful that I might lose that pert bottom, only for it to be replaced by something less attractive. Now I understand the word 'attraction'.
Well, I made it. Here I am looking totally knackered...

Unfortunately that was taken before the race...
And so, a big thank you to all my sponsors and a couple of pert bottoms. Seriously guys, thank you so much those that sponsored my run. I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't have had the will-power to do all that training if it wasn't for you. 
The total sponsorship was well over a thousand dollars!! I'm humbled. That sort of figure will certainly make a difference to the African Wildlife Foundation.


Thank you.


PS. If you want to further help the AWF, please visit and buy photos, download, mugs etc. ALL profits go the AWF.


  1. Well done Phil! David once had a blonde lady ski instructor with a pert bottom and his progress was remarkable as he followed her up and down the mountain trails.

  2. I wish. My ski instructor was called Mad Herman. I never saw his bum. Thankfully.
