It started with a trip to the good old Still-United Kingdom. We stayed a couple of nights at some old college friends who live in Somerset. They are trying to sell their house, and are becoming somewhat disillusioned. At which point, up steps Annick to display a hitherto undiscovered talent in selling houses. Both my friends discovered that it was possible to become even more disillusioned. As a result, they took us for a long walk through some local forests. They, it seems, knew of Annick’s recent dice with death and her healing knee fractures. Of course they did.
They failed to lose us...
Yes, we have decided to have a go at selling our much loved cottage in the Wye Valley.
She thus set about dismantling it...
We will, as a result of a sale, be looking for places to stay on our regular visits back to the UK. All volunteers please take one step forward.
Even better, if you have a vast fortune to spare and happen to be looking for a pied-à-terre with the most amazing views ever, please feel free to bung it all in my direction. Funds thus generously donated will be shovelled into the black hole known as our garden...
...and the terraformed banks, once like dull grey pyjamas, are blooming into more like polka-dot bikinis.
Yeah. Thanks a lot.