
Friday 4 May 2018

A Musical Interlude

Music, for me, has always been right up there with the most important things in life. Never more so than now, with my hearing being (dreaded phrase) normal for my age. To combat the loss of the upper registers and the constant torture of tinnitus, I have taken to listening to music almost continuously pouring into ears through sanity saving EarPods.
Some recent visitors have brought even more music to the farmhouse. Normally reknowned for its heavily laden progressive rock and blues, this week has been slightly less invasive to the eardrums.
Jon was here for a week, and his guitar work was as good as ever.
With him, his friend Sabina, world famous venture capitalist and pianist, here also trying her hand at guitar.

There was, of course, more than just music. In between ditties, we visited some of our usual haunts, bastides galore, such as Puycelsi 

where we were joined for lunch by the ever effusive Natalie.

Then onto Bruniquel,

Natalie stayed for the weekly snooker night, then helped us eat our Sunday lunch

As the music played on, we squeezed in a visit to our local town centre.

Whilst all this music was going on, Lyzëa was looking on intrigued 
Finally she summoned up the courage to have a go herself.
Thus addicted, we figured that a more aptly sized ukulele would be a better match. Look out world... 

Well, the music carries on, but newly acquired hearing aids have been yet another life-changer, letting me hear things I haven’t heard for years, and finally suppressing that constant torture that is tinnitus. I’m gradually turning into the prosthetic man.

And I can hear crickets.

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