Last weekend we tootled over to Mallorca to see my long lost brother.
So what was that central topic of conversation? There was much to choose from. Our timelines have diverged from a young age, each going our own separate ways. So ...
Was it racing? Mick had, after all, made a successful career out of it.
Nah. Cars for me serve just one purpose. If it gets me from A to B then I like them. If not, well, put it this way, I have long noticed that racing cars just go round in circles. They get you from A back to A again. Not much use to anyone really.
Was it animals? This has always been my passion, but that was something my bruv never really understood. Time changes us, and so we see two new loves in Mick’s life. Here’s one of his two Bichons...
Was it boats? Well, they have moved from racing cars to the more statesmen-like craft...
Did we talk of business? Despite our divergent timelines, both of us ended our business lives in much the same way. It is truly bizarre, but our timelines, after all these years, have finally converged. Mick was always the Entrepreneur, whereas I never really new what the word meant, but I ended up being one by default, resulting from years of ‘crisis management’.
But no, our main topic was not that, nor was it the usual suspect; sex. Or at least, its derivative, family.
It was, in fact, gardening.
Yes, you read that right. Gardening.
I would not have guessed in a million years that we two would, after our varied and diverse lives, have ended up two old gits talking gardens.
In between discussing bougainvilleas, we did do a whistle stop tour of the island, including the mountains...
...and the beaches.
and do some bloody gardening!
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