
Wednesday 8 January 2020

A Week in the Serengeti

I hope the festive season went well for you. The year has started a little rapidly with raging fires, the Mad God Trump attempting to start a world war, whilst Mad King Boris has done his usual disappearing act.

Depressing stuff. So I thought I'd cheer you up with a very few of my favourite pix from our week in the Serengeti, along with a bit of African music. It's only 3 minutes long so don't start yawning yet.

I'll post a (much) .longer version soon, but if you missed all the previous blogs, they start here...

Here's the music & pix:



  1. GĂ©nial ! Merci beaucoup !

  2. Gillian Christine Bennett9 January 2020 at 13:57

    Fab as always Phil!

  3. Amazing photos as always. Time for a sea safari!
