
Wednesday 13 July 2022

Six Months Outside

 Six months hard labour. Six months in the field. Six months and now, finally, I can sit back and look at the fruits of all that labour. And then I'm going to bugger off...

This garden has become part of me and I part of it. Besides that, it can be a real shit...

And so, to celebrate those eons of toil, those battles against all that nature can throw at me, those litres of infused coffee... here, finally, at last, in one place, are all the stunning videos of our garden this year.

And a few less stunning videos mixed in to keep you amused.

First off: Two videos encapsulating the fight against the freezing hoards of hell...

Winter in Hyde Parc, parts one and two......

Then, in March, a major clean up, mass pruning verging on total genocide. This was seriously the low point in the gardening year, pruning, cutting, slashing, destroying. This is the end of all things. But even now, colour survives and eventually rules. Ooooh, I like happy endings... 

May enters stage right with what can only be described as a fundamentally stunning vista of colour and, well, erm, it's pretty good... Gardening meets God. 

Just as we thought things could not get better, May explodes into colour!!!...

...with flowers that you would not believe. Seriously, you will not believe your own yes. May produces the most amazing variety of colours and shapes. Sit back and just absorb this incredible beauty...

But there's more! Nature has decided to supersede even that. Breathe deeply, enter at your own risk...

Yes, there are flowers, yes there is colour, but beware, there be monsters...

...and that's just the first half of the year. There is more to come. Unless that bloody great asteroid hits...

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