
Monday 8 May 2023

Gnome-Trek Series 4, Episode 1. Escaping Purgatory. Part One.

Purgatory, not quite the Final Frontier. 

These are the voyages of the Flying-Brick ‘Gnome’. Its four-day mission: to escape Purgatory, to seek out the higher ground, and generally swear a lot. To boldly ramble-on where no Gnome has rambled-on before...

For many months now I have slumbered here in Purgatory. Eons have passed since my last ramblings. Some of you may have pondered upon my fate, some of you may have had a passing concern, most of you will not know what the heck I'm going on about.

As usual.

The last few months have been, putting it mildly, something of a pain. Mostly centred around that part of the skull that normally holds a brain. 

A recent MRI revealed 'nothing'.  Hmmm. That sums me up then...

My time spent in Purgatory has not all been in a state of total agony. Paracetamol has been my constant companion. Heroin has also been prescribed, and this may go some way to explain my visions of strange floating shiny animals...

...and at other times; unicorns.

On one occasion I was fooled into thinking that I had escaped Purgatory and had achieved a higher plane of existence...

...where my disciples bent their heads to me...

It was just a passing fancy, a promise of something well beyond my reach. 

I woke once more, drenched in pain.

These passing visions provoked me. They propelled me towards recovery. That and my sluggish immune system (plus a bucket-load of medication).

Now? The ongoing attempts of Covid to lay me low finally appear to be receding, leaving just the usual feeling of utter knackered-ness. I hope to have bid a final farewell to the near constant aching head, and have spent the last month recuperating by taking out my weary anger upon the various malevolent weeds in the jungle surrounding us. 

I now feel it may be time to venture south, to that higher ground.

However, before that, as a prize for escaping a state of recently terminated interminable suffering; I have a new camera to play with. Having waited seven years for Sony to upgrade my previous love, I have finally given in and gone back to Canon, as they now appear to have produced the best camera ever (the Canon R7). 

I thought I'd give it a try. 

Here's some first attempts from our domain. Note the bluesy theme:

It is long past the time for another Gnome-Trek. These, of late, have been very few and far between. Looking back at last year, Episode 1 of Series 3 was our Gnome's only trip into the unknown. 

This year has to be different.


Thus leaving our abode in the capable hands of Annick's mum (aided somewhat by some others of our long-suffering family) we ventured forth in search of that higher ground...

..where Lyzëa demanded the 'flower in front of the face' photo. They say never to work with animals or children. They could be right...

To be continued here


  1. Sorry to hear you've been suffering Phil, but glad to hear you're on the mend. We await your literary ramblings with baited breath. The new camera sounds very promising. I didn't know you'd tried Canon before. I thought you were a Nikon man before the Sony?

    1. I've had both, but most often Canon. I usually change make just as the others come out with something better....

  2. I didn't realise is posted as anonymous! 😳
