
Friday 12 May 2023

Gnome Trek Series 4, Episode 2. Escaping Purgatory. Part Two

Thus leaving our abode in the capable hands of Annick's mum (aided somewhat by some others of our long-suffering family) we ventured forth in search of that higher ground...

(Part One here)

We had arrived and immediately set about that which we do best. Eating & drinking.... 

The next morning, after a quiet evening-in surrounded on all side by two screaming banshees, we set off in search of rocks.

We had arrived in the upper reaches of the Ariège. 

As can be seen in the photo above, it's mostly made of big rocks. Another great discovery.

The banshees set about terrorising the neighbourhood by climbing every mountain

then hurting downhill whilst filling the air with the sound of music (screaming)...

...then my two little favourite things ran Far. A long long way to run...

They subsequently attempted to hide from their weird granddad...

I searched high and low, I followed ev'ry by-way, every path you know.

Meanwhile, high on a hill was a lonely goatherd....

And so, we had escaped purgatory and arrived, finally, in paradise. A last walk with Sky up the mountain before returning to Mundania proved somewhat difficult for my canine companion. 

This was the very last time we would attempt a long walk, as she collapsed on the return downhill trip. Then, finally approaching our house after significant rest breaks, she was attacked by a bloody great Mastiff who attempted to eviscerate her. But only after failing to rip out her throat. 

Sky was, to say the least, mildly perturbed. 

When the dog bites. When the bee stings. When I'm feeling sad. I simply remember my favorite things. And then I don't feel so bad.

After a spell in intensive care (aka our kitchen. She likes being near food, especially if it is so close as to be in her stomach) we returned home, pouring the poor soul out of the van into home territory. We also dropped off the Krazy Kids and recuperated for a couple of days before, once again, heading for them thar hills.

This time it was just myself and my loving wife. With not even our dog to hold us back, we could ramble-on to our heart's content.

The weather, on the other hand, had different ideas.

It started like this...

...and ended like this...

Maybe sitting in front of the fire was a better idea.

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes. Silver white winters that melt into springs. These are a few of my favorite things

Many apologies for plagiarising the movie "The Sound of Music". I realise that I'm probably the only one left alive that even remembers it...

1 comment:

  1. My mother had an obsession with the Soundvif Music film , that and Mary Poppins so we watched it endless times in the cinema . My father , by contrast used to leave us at the cinema to watch St Trinians films with orders to stay together , behave and don’t get ideas from the film then collect us later .
