
Saturday 12 August 2023

Troll Trek, Series 1 Episode 5: Into (and nearly out of) Andorra.

Day 5.

Today we hiked. It was a long hike, steeply uphill for the bits that weren't steeply downhill. It was a hike of four (and a bit) quarters.

The first quarter involved a difficult climb up a stony track with two very reluctant grandchildren, with multiple moans and groans and "are we there yet"s. It was very hard going with frequent stops taking twice the time expected.

The second quarter involved a further difficult climb up a stony track with one very old git (me), moaning and groaning. "We need to stop because popi's heart rate is too fast". It was very hard going with frequent stops taking thrice the time expected. 

It was somewhere up here that I had a hazy memory of my consultant's words; "Work up to walking long distances slowly and avoid high altitudes". 


We had finally made it to the summit...

The third quarter involved a very steep downhill climb, taxing my limbs but allowing my heart rate to settle to a more survivable rate.

We then came across the first of two lakes.

Our two young wildlings had found a new source of energy and kept well ahead of us oldlings. The reason for this could have something to do with the newfound knowledge of a restaurant by the next lake ahead.

And so we come to the final quarter. Relaxing, dining. 

Next to a fabulous view...

...with a fabulous bottle of Vieux Chateau Lamothe (small bottle or large glass?)...

...a fabulously healthy meal...

...and a fabulously large bill.

The final 'bit' of the walk was the last descent to the parking area where we had spent the night. Needless to say the kids, now without the promise of a further restaurant stop, regained their previous argumentative dispositions...

We then drove through Andorra and, due to a slight miscalculation of scale, nearly came out the other side. The giant signs saying 'Farewell, come back soon" were something of a giveaway. After berating the gps (as the guilty are oft to do) we rerouted to higher ground. Another mistake.

There are few roads in Andorra, but what roads there are are surrounded by vertiginous harsh mountains and filled with vertiginous harsh shopping malls and apartment blocks. We did finally regain our correct path and made it to the top of another mountain (mysteriously without shopping mall) to spend the night:

Tomorrow we are to return to France. 

After the sleep of the totally knackered...

(Next episode here)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha go easy Grandpa we don't want to lose you. Well done all of you. It looks beautiful. Wish I was with you especially the wine and meal looks fabulous. Lyzea and kaelly will remember this forever. Jazz used to moan and groan and now she is a first class hiker up hills and walks for miles. They eventually turn into us. This will inspire them in the future. Big hugs XX and I'm loving my remote holiday with you all XX
