

February 2017

We had finally finished renovating the house and outbuildings. The last building project was to add a veranda.

April 2017

We could now concentrate all our efforts on the garden. It would prove to be a lot of effort!
Of course, one pond wasn’t enough. We needed to build other ponds into the terracing.
The first of these would be a home for some Koi.
Then another below it would be mostly for plants.

May 2017

Work on the ponds progressed rapidly...
using huge quantities of slate.

July 2017

The ponds nearly finished, ours sights were turned on the acres of plastic.and mud

June 2017

We started seeding grass into the terraces.

July 2017

The grass grows quickly here...
Meanwhile the space behind the veranda was also being planted. Two aged vines were planted to grow over the veranda. 

August 2017

The ponds were now finished.

Hang on a minute! Only three ponds? We desperately needed another...

The previously mentioned eyesore in the middle of the garden needed tarting up.
We decided to dig it deeper, add a liner, refill with earth and water...
and plant a lotus.

September 2017

The lotus grew like crazy...
The ducks were growing like crazy too...
Meanwhile, back at the newly renamed 'lotus pond' a bridge was added.
Next came planting the liner. This involved drilling about two thousand holes in it! Each was filled with good soil and compost, ready for eight hundred roses and untold numbers of other plants.
At least the grass provided colour other than grey and brown.

October 2017

As the garden slowly took shape, we started to add the odd touch here and there.

December 2017

Just add kids.

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