
Tuesday 21 May 2013

Ups and Downs

You never know what the future holds. Whatever these daft psychics pretend, or whatever the religious zealots say; life is unpredictable; sometimes good, sometimes bad. And it ain’t fair.

My good friend Martin died today.

He was one of the best.

He suffered greatly for much of his life, but never complained about his lot, about what could have been. Multiple sclerosis is a sick joke. No one deserves it, Mart had it. How fair is that? Mart has had it about 30 years, what has he missed out on in that time, and what will he miss now?

Stuck in a wheelchair, stuck in a bed, stuck in a room. Life can be shit.

But he always had that quirky sense of humour that marked him out as special. He was always way more than his disease. A real friend. There simply ain’t many of them.

Martin. I’m going to miss you, you bastard. Thanks for being you. I know you won’t read this, but I will from time to time. Thanks for being part of my memories.



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