
Monday 9 March 2015

Pax Vobiscum

Well, Sophie’s gone and done it. She’s tied the knot. Got hitched. Got spliced. Joined together, and other such phrases that’ll confuse the hell out of google translate…

Yup, my youngest girl… who’d have thought?

She and Ulrich left their flat this morning as free people…

… to get PACSed.

A PACS is, well, um, it’s sort of means going in to a room separately, and coming out together. With a piece of paper. A contract.

It takes a couple of minutes and that’s that.

Thankfully the hoards were waiting…

…then off we trundled to the, er, reception in a local coffee house..

…before making our way through the cloisters of Place National…

…to dinner, where we had the traditional blowing up the cake ceremony…

…then the traditional eating the cake ceremony…

…before the happy couple went off to see ISIS…

(Isis is their dog by the way, named after the Egyptian Goddess, not, well, you know…)

…before finally riding off into the sunset…

… and they lived happily ever after…

Pax vobiscum - peace be with you.

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