
Sunday 31 May 2015

How Blue is my Valley?

Another week in Wales with its abundance of colour, verdant growth, family and friends. The woods behind our cottage are brimming with abundant bluebells…

Although photographing them in dull light with Gill & Paul’s manic dog Sadie constantly photo-bombing is far from easy.

We started the week with a walk on the wild side in the Brecon Beacons with Jon and Lisa, hunting caves and waterfalls.

Close to the edge…

… down by the water.

The local flush toilets were somewhat basic…

so Lisa holds on…

Then back to the cottage where the garden has burst into multiple vivid colours.

The cottage is soooo relaxing. Even the visit of two Jehovah’s Hypocrites didn’t dampen proceedings. It is always amusing to speak to those who can deny a massive body of evidence in favour of a dusty old book.

Starting the conversation with “Are you a spiritual man?” probably didn’t help their cause. Then coming out with the old “Evolution is just a theory” line led me to respond with the usual “Gravity is just a theory, so go and prove your faith by jumping off a cliff” routine…

Maybe they were not converted to the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but I did get one to promise that he would read a real book on evolution AND actually read ALL that book of theirs, including the gory bits.

The other guy wasn’t so inclined to rational discourse, but I did adversely affect his blood pressure, especially when I benevolently forgave him for becoming angry……

We also met with another born again soul. This time it was Carl, back from the North American colonies to visit his old haunts before once more going back to his new home in the near-Arctic.

It was a busy week, with the usual crowd giving us a send-off evening of the usual depravity. Back to France to recover…

The valley may be green, but blue rules ok?

… until the next time …


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