
Sunday 20 March 2016

Seasons End

You might think that the weather is a tad unpredictable in the good old Disunited Kingdom, but that does not hold a candle to the Pyrénées.

This winter in the mountains has had lots of rain, wind and sun, but precious little snow. Winter in the mountains and no snow. How weird is that?

Well, it has finally arrived.

The clouds have held back their burden of snow until right to the end of the season. Instead of the usual slush and rocks, our brave troup found a fresh coating of sugary snow, making the slopes almost off-piste instead of the alternative…

Our fellowship was seven; three generations. Let me introduce the players on this stage.

First there is, of course, yours truly:

One of them is me.

Then my beloved, here, as usual, hiding from my intrusive lens behind a passing elf.

Next up, my youngest son, Luke…

…with his elvish sidekick, Marta, you may have noticed her sneaking into a previous photo, as elves are wont.

Luke’s attempts at snowboarding were heroic, although did not always end well.

On the other hand, this was made up for in their culinary skills.

and more than this, their sense of fun…

Here are the remaining three adventurers.

Made up of Lisa…

…the Evil Christian…

…not to mention, our surprise guest, Sienna

Christian achieved his lifetime ambition by turning 180 degrees on a jump. He tells me it was on purpose.

Needless to say, much time was spent inside bars…

Or yodelling

And so it is time to bid farewell to the valley for the last time this season.

It was a good week, a great week, missing only the rest of our little family.

Maybe next year?

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