
Sunday 6 March 2016


Film intermissions (remember them?) give you time for a quick pee and a cup of tea, to gather yourself for the second half. We are now on our Pyrénéan intermission, a two week break in the farmhouse between trips skiing or, in my case limping, with friends and family. Except, maybe coffee for me instead of tea and, well, I guess the pees are obligatory.

In between the coffees and pees, we’ve had plenty of opportunity to keep ourselves busy. Not least has been many happy hours (joke) doing paperwork (more about this potential life-changing bureaucracy in a future blog coming to you soon, I hope). Visiting us has been family in the form of Domitille et al helping to return some of my will to live…

Although Louis’ oft smiling face sometimes faltered…

…as it is overwhelmed by Oriane’s glass shattering scream.

To escape further tinnitus, I scooted over to the green green fields of home (well, one of ‘em) to say hi to my granddaughter number two.

Thanks for the appreciative applause.

More importantly, the rugby 6-nations continues to test my patriotism. Do I support Wales, England or France? Next week, the crunch match which always seems to bring out the worst nationalist bigotry in some; England versus Wales.

It does not have to be so. The following proves that peace and beauty can reign when Wales meets England; the Wye valley….

And so, having nearly finished 'gathering’ myself like some long lost flock of hapless sheep, I can now batten down the hatches and mix metaphors in readiness for the approaching hoard.

It’s nearly the end of the ski season, and yet we finally have snow in greater quantities that all the preceding winter months. The outlook is good, the outlook is white. Yay! More photos of white stuff to come!

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