
Friday 29 July 2016

Down on the Farm (part 7)

It has been several months since the last exciting episode of my entertaining series about home renovation. I bet you've been wetting yourself with anticipation. I appologise for any soiled underwear.
All that fuss about Brexit, indiscriminate killings and selling my Veterinary Kingdom has sidetracked me from that important thing in life.
It has been a year since we started this ambitious project. After gutting the main farmhouse to make a home for our dogs and tropical fish, (plus a discreet room for us), and going overboard on the garage to make a home for my snooker table and booze, we are well underway with a complete rebuild of the barn.
What started as a renovation, changed direction when the lack of foundations under the giant pillars holding up the barn forced them to reconsider the gravitational effects of our mahousive planet.
Thus: Plan B.

This new building is to be the Swiss Knife of all buildings.

A home for all manner of assorted goodies. Our pool...

...our various vehicles... well as our pool table and host of exercise machines (more room for scattering clothing) as well as, amazingly, our doves!

Ok, we don't actually have any doves. However, despite this small handicap, we are building a dovecote next to the pool.
Why? You may well ask. It's just something that is done in this part of France. It's a bit of a tradition here, like pétanque, fois gras and year round bank holidays.
Really. You see them dotted around the countryside. You can even buy collections of miniatures!
This dovecote is to be cunningly built so that no doves will be able to get into it. Dove poops and swimming pools do not mix in any kind of approved or acceptable manner.
To compensate Mother Nature, just next to the pool, our ducks now have a new home as well...

You may note the disabled duck access.
This really only leaves making a home for the rest of nature in all its glory. The garden is probably the greatest undertaking of all, and can only be adequately described as terraforming.

And so, my faithful reader, please be prepared for several changes of underwear before the next exciting episode of 'Down on the Farm', bedwettingly called 'Part 8'.

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