
Sunday 25 September 2016

Extreme Mountaineering


In an effort to penetrate ever further into the Pyrénées, we have taken to using ever more dangerous tactics. Our latest effort was to end in pain.
With us to witness my humiliation were friends Kim & Mike.
Our target, the Cirque de Garvarnie, deep in the French Pyrénées. After many hours of rugged travel, we arrived at base camp. Our trusty old camper van had made it in one piece. Well, three actually. Towed behind it was our secret weapon in attempting the giddy heights.
Our first attempt was by foot.


Some of us struggled...


Some of us triumphed...


Whereas some just took it easy...



On our return, we took to our secret weapon, our scooter.


We followed signs of those who went before us...


We were not alone.

After a quick stop to check on the local marmots, disaster struck. On starting around a hairpin bend steeply downwards, my trusty scooter decided to conk out, casting both of us into the void.

Well, onto the ground with a couple of barrel rolls.
Thankfully we were both well protected. Except for one deeply personal area that the rear view mirror zeroed in on.
The susequent groin ache was a curt reminder of my fallibility. And incompetence.
We nevertheless saw the amazing sights. Here's one...


and here's another one...


The temperature had plummeted from the previous months 35 degrees to a chilling 1 degree. The resultant clouds hid our quarry until the final morning.


The chill did, however, cool my wounded ardour...

Next: Extreme Safari.... watch this space...

1 comment:

  1. Well if you will use a scooter to shatter the peace of the mountains .... Lovely saucy pic of Annick!
