
Tuesday 13 September 2016


In our personal lives, trust is all important. When that trust breaks down, everything else tumbles after it, making life miserable. I believe that trust is also important in business although not everyone agrees with me. I found running a business without trust nearly impossible.
I have learned the hard way what happens when trust is lost because of deception in both my personal and my business lives.
Just as I thought that I had left all this behind me by retiring, I find myself right in that murky world again.
What has brought on this bout of philosophising? Are there secret messages aimed at someone in my diatribe? If you read it backwards does it invoke the devil?
Our swimming pool has been sabotaged.
Ok, I know, this is not the end of the world right? North Korea are not going to give up their nuclear weapons in sympathy right? Trump is not going to develop empathy and Catholics won't realise that condoms would have saved millions of lives in Africa just because of my pool, correct? (Sorry, off at a tangent there.)
All the same, this whole affair is a little bizarre and disconcerting.
So here is the story:
Our pool, the last building project at the farmhouse, was on course for completion in August.

On the 10th August the liner was finished and the water started to flow.

As the temperature rose, we took the plunge. Chilly but full of promise.

But, not full of water...

It did not take long to realise that the water level was going down. Rapidly.
Checking all around, we found a leak in a skimmer. Repaired. Water still disappeared at the same discomforting rate.
We finally discovered that the water was disappearing from one of the two drains. The partly separate basin where the pool cover was to live, was haemorrhaging its life-blood.
After much kerfuffle, the fault was localised to a pipe leading from that drain, and buried in over 1.5 meters of concrete.
At this point, all work stopped for the tradition French summer break. We were left with a lame excuse for a pool. A damp squib. We lived in sweltering heat whilst being gently mocked by a disabled pool.
On their return, a camera was shoved down the drain, not to find a leaky joint as suspected, but to find holes punched through the pipes!
Concrete was cut and a hole big enough to be a baby swimming pool was made.

The pipe thus finally exposed showed to have four holes drilled through it at one meter intervals.
This could have been no accident. Someone had sabotaged our pool.
<Pause for melodramatic music>
Repairs have been made and tests are ongoing to uncover any further attempts of deliberate damage. All seems well.
So who did this and why? Was this a terrorist attack for which France is becoming infamous? Was it personal vendetta against us or the builders? Was it God trying to strike me down and missing?
Until we know, trust has been lost. Will we find further such acts possibly even more heinous?
We live in fear.
We are turning the newly dug hole into a bunker.

1 comment:

  1. looks to me you may have had some sort of meteoric!!! happening here, its not a rat with a drill is it they be very sneaky them animals, perhaps in your former life you may have vetted one who were nt to happy with his treament revenge is sweet!!!!!
