
Tuesday 13 December 2016

Winter Solstice Newsletter 2016

Phew. Another year nearly over and it's time to delve deep into my memory banks. As usual, my brain is not up to this challenging task, and so I have to rely on the year's photos, which have been somewhat prolific. Over 20,000...

We'll get the life-changing events out of the way first. For me, personally, the sale of my business has to rank high on the change'o'meter. In April I finally said goodbye to over 45 years of veterinary life. Big moment. No pictures...

Then, as my life gradually disappears down the pan, another has started...

Welcome Sienna, granddaughter to these old pensioners, daughter to Lisa and Christian, niece to Luke & Marta, Jon and Sophie & Ulrich, cousin to Lyzëa. 


And so to more mundane issues. Much of this year's quota of energy has been expended on our new forever home, with the main house being finished early in the year...

 only to start on the next project soon after...

I do like projects.

As I settle down into dotage, watching our own youngsters progress has had its ups and downs. Lisa, adapting to life as a parent, Sophie too, with Ulrich away in the army, Luke and Marta finally to move into their own home, and Jon, whose year has been in turmoil, starting a new life. Kids can fill you with sadness and joy at the same time. 

Overfilling all the spaces between these life-changers has been, at least, diverting. Our usual couple of months based in the Pyrénées was great, even if the snow wasn't! 




Predictably, my love of old buildings took us to many different French villages, including Sarlat in the Dordogne. 

as well as revisiting Cordes in time for the annual medieval fair...

Our revitalised camper van took us to new places...

On top of all this, we up and flew over to Mallorca...

and saw two long separated brothers back together...

Spot the difference.

Apart from several trips to the UK, we dropped in on Northern Ireland to admire the Antrim Coast...

The crowning glory of our trips away was 10 days in Tanzania. Utterly fabulous. Much of this elsewhere, but I'll bung in a couple of photos here...



No newsletter can be complete without photos of all those who have visited this year, friends and family. (Editors note; this does not refer to the above photo!) You guys have been so supportive and so caring, it chokes...

Here's a short video slideshow capturing most, but not all! 

Like I may have said, Phew! Retirement does not seem to bring stagnation.

A Merry Winter Solstice to you all. If you get the chance to visit us over the hols, come and join us for a drink and maybe a game of snooker or two!

Yes, Annick's been et loose on the snooker room...

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