
Saturday 19 November 2016

In Search of Mythical Beasts

The last time we went to Ireland, when the kids were small, was not good. It rained. The kids moaned. The only one really happy was Danny.

The dog.

Thus is took some persuading to go again. This time it was to stay with friends John & Susie. Lured there by the promise of Guinness, dragons and, of course, leprechauns.

Being the good hosts that they are (and they are good hosts) they spent the week doing the tourist thing and showing us the sights of Northern Ireland. 

We started with a visit to the local Glen, shrouded in golden leaves. Here surely would be leprechauns galore. 




Then to Belfast. This was a little disappointing as no bomb craters could be found. Someone had been cleaning up. We did however go and see a giant exhibition about a boat. We couldn't find the boat either.


We did visit, with some reluctance, a couple of famous local hostelries, sampling their fine wares, finishing at the 'most bombed hotel in the world'. It's good to be famous for something...

On entering the hotel, a stunning coincidence. There was being held a Faculty of Homeopathy (yes, there is such a thing) conference, hosting one of my arch-enemies of the pseudoscience brigade, he who loves nano-particles instead of medicine. Sadly he had just left. When enquiring after him, I was asked if I was a fan. My response was not printable. Still I thought, there must me more chance of seeing a leprechaun here than of homeopathy actually doing something. No luck in either department.

We then went on to visit a hoard of hives (I'm not sure of the collective noun).

You may wonder at this being on the tourist trail, but you must understand that both John and Susie are somewhat obsessed with these little buzzing beasts. Totally obsessed. They have bee magazines in their toilets.

However, these hives were right next to one of the places where Game of Thrones was filmed! My chance to see dragons!

For me, this was special. I'm a great fan, and was hoping to see some filming, but their filming season has changed as 'winter is coming'. 

So no dragons. Or leprechauns.

We also has a day's trip up the Antrim coastline. Beautiful.

Let the pictures speak.



You may notice a distinct lack of leprechauns.

A great day, but we arrived at the north of the coastline too late to see the Giant's Causeway, forcing my now fatigued hosts to take us there the next day.




Although, as you might have guessed, no mythical little creatures.

Well, that is not entirely true. For a couple of days in the Emerald Isle, there were a couple of little creatures (Jac & Tia) staying with our hosts.

They were certainly mischievous if not mythical. At least I caught up with my Dr Seuss reading.

A great week. Lots of good food, lots of good Guinness (lost count after thirteen pints) and lots of sight seeing. 

We were sad to have to return to Belfast airport for the journey home. Although that was the only place I did see leprechauns...



  1. Amazing pictures (as always). Love the photo of the GOThrones bridge. Most awesome. Glad you made it out alive!

  2. Intrigued by the town buried in the cliff, six pics up. Does it have a name? Also impressed by your one week x 13 pints of Guinness ... that's err, not even two pints a day. Looks like a great trip.
