
Thursday 17 October 2019

A Break from Brexit

It's been a while since I posted anything, so I had better do a bit of catch up...

By August of this fine year, we had been having a pretty busy time. Not all of it without certain stresses.

Meanwhile, in Britain, the government was preparing for war (with itself) talking about food vouchers and marshal law, and in France the yellow jackets had made a reappearance after months of docility (apparently wanting to revisit the tourist sites of Paris).

We came to the conclusion that we needed a break from all this madness.

We needed to escape for a while.

We decided to take a break at chez Mick & Ginny on the island of Mallorca. As us foreigners are too poor to afford a private jet, and because Annick enjoys the sea so much (something the French call Mal de Mer) we decided to take a boat.
Unfortunately the owners of the boat weren't to keen on the idea...

OK, so we flew.

On arriving at bruv's home, I did the usual tour of the garden (two old farts together discussing gardening...)

Then collapsed into a state of wine induced anaesthesia next to the pool.
It certainly is a hard life here...

We visited some of the local villages. Come to think about it, all the villages are local in Mallorca...
We tried paella with added views
Sitting here looking up at the mountains of Mallorca, surrounded by stunning vistas and paella, it was difficult to think on the train wreck happening back in Blighty.
We spent a few days on a 'restaurant crawl'...
...watching the world sail by.
Everyone seemed relaxed...
...and fashionable.
There was even romance in the air...
Oh well, so much for peace, quiet, and love for all mankind. Time to head back to the maelstrom...

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