
Friday 26 March 2021

Words & Pictures

This blog was intended to be a celebration of life amongst the difficulties that are all about us. It was meant to show how much there is to be positive about. 

Then life just trips you up doesn't it? 

Two lives flickered out. One long expected, Maman's sister, her last remaining sibling. The other, totally unexpected, a very close friend who was assumed to outlast us all.

She, of all my friends, would have wanted me to carry on regardless. 

Yet.... That's kinda tricky to do.

So I'll meet her halfway. One downbeat blog, then I'll try to follow it up with something more lighthearted. Once my heart becomes a little lighter... 

Below are some words. Words that I wrote for Celia, and then words written by maman for her sister Geneviève (in French).

The words are difficult to say, difficult to read, difficult to absorb. Feel free to skip over and wait for my next trip into insanity. Because things do come after. Life continues for the rest of us. Shit, this is getting too heavy already......


Words for Celia

There are often times that I can sit here and just let the words flow. 

And why not? I have spent my nearly 70 years of life on this amazing planet immersed in a language that has more than one million words. 

And counting. 

Words should come easy. Words should flow.

There are words for all kinds of different things; the weather, the colours of life, the deepest of feelings. 

But not this. 

No. Not this.

This loss has no words that can adequately describe this…

How can you describe the hurt, the pain, the loss?

So, the rational conclusion is to accept all of that, and to move on. 

And that is exactly what Celia would have wanted. Exactly what Celia would have said.

I can see her there, before me. 

She is saying: “Come on Phil. This isn’t like you. What are you playing at? Just get on with life you daft bugger!”

Words of wisdom.

She may have left us. She may have gone somewhere that no one of us can ever follow. But she will always be there. Here. These memories of her will always be with us. Imprinted on our consciousness, telling us to get on with our lives. 

Always the wise words.

She was my friend.

Her sudden untimely loss has taken away a part of me. 

Yet part of her will remain forever with me.


With me.

She was, absolutely, that important in all our lives. 

I wish, I profoundly wish, that I could be there with my friends that she has left behind. They are the ones that suffer; not her. I should be there to make vain attempts at helping. 





But it is not to be. 

Instead, one of you poor suckers is going to have to hug Roger for me. 

I understand that he is virus free so you should be ok…


We planted her favourite flower, a Daphne odora, in her memory at the time of her funeral.


Maman wrote this for her sister:

À ma sœur Genneviève, un modèle de vie.

Dans toutes les circonstances, elle ne voyait que le bien. 

Obéissante à tout ce qu’on lui demandait, elle allait de l’avant même si c’était difficile pour elle.

Elle s’est toujours secouée en oubliant sa santé pour répondre au besoin des autres.

Pendant une longue période de sa vie, je lui téléphonais chaque jour. Elle attendait ce moment et nous partagions de longues heures au téléphone.

Elle a donné tout ce qu’elle a pu jusqu’à son dernier souffle.

Elle s’oubliait en pensant et agissant pour son prochain.

Malheureusement à cause de la guerre, elle s’est retrouvée en Suisse et ce n’est qu’à son retour que nous avons pu partagé beaucoup de choses ensemble.

Nous nous occupions de la cohorte au poste de l’armée du salut de Boulogne Billancourt.

Il y avait un si grand nombre de jeunes de milieu défavorisé que nos frères sont aussi venus nous y aider.

Bien que Genneviève ait vécu en Belgique avec sa famille et moi en France avec la mienne, je garde de très bons souvenirs de toutes nos vacances passées ensemble.

Pour moi Genneviève a été plus qu’un exemple. Elle a toujours été vaillante et courageuse dans tout.

Son exemple m’a donné la force d’avoir bien plus de courage dans bien des situations.

J’aimais tant ma sœur car on se comprenait  si bien et on s’entendait si bien.

Plus de difficultés, plus de souffrances, maintenant Genneviève est en paix et restera à tout jamais comme une force dans nos cœurs.

“Dieu n’est pas venu supprimer la souffrance,

Il n’est même pas venu l’expliquer,

Il est venu pour la remplir de sa présence”


We planted her favourite flowers at the same time as the funeral, to which, of course, maman could not go to. Life can really be cruel sometimes...

Thanks for reading. Normal service will be resumed shortly...


  1. Very sad Phil and beautiful sentiments and a lovely tribute planting their favourite flowers. From all the tributes I have read Celia will leave a big hole in people's lives her friends her family and Roger who will need much support from his friends. I am so sorry for your loss. The death of a loved one is not easy to bare or bear but you know my views Phil I believe in an after life which probably makes it easier for me. But this isn't about me it's about you and Annick and Maman who have lost very dear loved ones. I am sorry and send my heartfelt thoughts love and hugs to you xxxxxx

  2. So sorry to hear this phil give our deepest condolences to maman and to you our love at such a sad time thinking of you and annick lots of love
    Carol & Terry xxxx

  3. This cut through me because I know your pain. It is five years now since Chris and I lost our dearest friend. Every word you have written resonates. It doesn't get better, the separation becomes a part of life, the storms of tears, the incredulity, the helplessness. So dear Phil and Annick we share your pain and hold you both. Bon courage.

  4. Phil, sorry to hear of the loss of these two fine ladies. Please pass my condolences to Annick as well.

  5. Caroline Chatard27 March 2021 at 14:40

    Hugs, love and thoughts for you. Your words are just amazing touching and loving. RIP Celia. Take care Roger and you two Annick and Phil. Love you.

  6. ❤️❤️❤️
    Death is brutal to those left behind.
    Beautifully put, phil. Xx
