
Saturday 11 December 2021

X-mas 2021 Noël Lack-of-News Letter.

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Yes, we are still here, lost, but not quite forgotten. Hanging on to our sanity by our fingernails. 

Like everybody else I guess.

This, as you will probably have noticed by now, has been a unique year. At least, it had better be... 

Some real crap has gone down in the last twelve months, but despite all that effluent, there have been some highs, some truly great moments. Between these two extremes, life has gone on, albeit in a notably more isolated way than was previously the norm. Again, we are lucky to live in such a place as this. 

So this newsletter is to consist of just four videos. The good, the bad, the weird, and the new normal.

The happy stuff, as usual, involves family and friends. The devastating stuff; also. So I'll start with a happy video; a video of family together. Then a video of that part of paradise where I spend the majority of my time; the garden. Then, after a short diversion, a final video that you should avoid at all costs...

First, the good times:


I hope that warmed your heart as it does mine. 

There is much to do in life. For me, I find walking and working in the garden heals the troubled soul. So here is a video tour of it. I hope it helps heal your soul too.

"Take me to the fantastic place, take the rest of my life away."

This, as they say, is my life...

When I'm not in the garden, when the weather forces me away, then some time can be spent in the 'Barn Station'. Here's a very short video showing the latest bits I've been working on.

The garden is also the basis of the final video. Of the many facets to our garden, memories are becoming more and more important. There are plants and places dedicated to those who have gone before. To absent friends...

I have put more of my heart and soul into this video than any before. Each time I watch it, ocular moistening ensues. Feel free to miss it but don't feel free to mock it. 

And so, onto the next one....


  1. Lovely stuff Phil, especially the last video. Keep it up young man.

  2. Hi Phil and Annick,
    Lovely videos. You have made incredible progress with the garden and moel train setup. Well done.
    Afraid covid is likely to dictate for some time yet. I spell covid with a small c as it doesn't deserve a capital c.

    Have a great Christmas and New Year.

    John and Susie

  3. Fabulous video's as always, It's heart warming to see all the family together and enjoying themselves!
    Here's hoping that you all have a wonderful Christmas. xxx
