
Thursday 11 February 2016

Phil's been trafficking again...

Having finished the renovation of the old farmhouse, and coating miles miles of walls with gallons and litres of paint, we’ve now arrived at the finishing touches. Hanging photos.

This has meant trawling through the stuff I’ve taken over the last few years and printing them up.

As the biggest I can print at home is super A3, for the larger spaces I’ve resorted to a few triptychs. Here is where you discover how few photos can be cut into three or how few photos work together as threes.

The other problem is that photos that look great on the old iPad, can look drab on the old wall. Enter photoshop, or, as the French say, Phil’s been trafficking photos again…

Here’s the final list…

Pontvieux - portrait style
Foggy bottom
Winter landscape watercolour
Hairy beasts
3 trees, 3 seasons, 1 mountain
I’m a gnu. How do you do?
The Mara Crossing
Pontvieux - landscape style

and enter the latest applicant from the non-snowy Pyrénées…

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