
Saturday 20 February 2016

Speed Kills

Spending time with John and Suzie is always a good laugh. John’s Irish wit and repartee falters only when he’s asleep, although this is tempered by the fact that sleeping is his favourite pastime. Well, that and bees. Yes, our visitors from the Emerald Isle have something of a penchant for the little buggers buzzers. It has even been known to overcome his urge to tell a joke.

John was here to ski. Despite his enormous…..talents, even he needs some snow to do it on.

Not much of that here.

The end of the previous week did provide a smidgin of the stuff, but most is still spewed out by snow canon.

Putting such minor quibbles to one side, off the three of us went (Susie remained at base-camp), ready to conquer all before us. The ‘Magnificent Three’.

To be fair, John’s ski technique is much like mine. Move slowly but surely from bar to bar. First stop, the 'Louzat’, just next to the top of the ski lift.

Then down to any bar of choice at the bottom. Then up to… well, you get the general idea. In recent years Annick has refined this by starting the day with a hot chocolate and rum. Smart woman.

That was a random picture of me by the way. Relaxing. Proud of my achievements. Pride comes before a fall.

Enter Kim and Mike.

Mike’s idea of skiing is not unlike something diametrically opposite to mine. Whereas I take my time by carefully sliding from one safe haven to another, Mike takes his time using an app on his iPhone. Each time striving to meet a faster target.

Needless to say, my vain attempts to keep up with him ended in disaster. After two falls, well, every photo tells a story…

Thankfully I was only temporarily disabled. My helmet saved me from a much more serious injury, as my first fall saw one ski go in one direction, me in another, and my other ski take off vertically, only to try impaling me through the head. Helmets are good things. I love my helmet. My helmet is my friend.

More importantly, my camera survived, thus allowing me to continue my career as a photoblogger and thus post this one of Sky, my faithful (ish) hound, who stopped eating poo long enough for me to snap:

Thus endeth another adventure. Stay tuned for the next episode where we see Luke & Marta attempt a 'pas de deux’ on the slopes and Lisa & Christian give Sienna, then aged 7 weeks, her first ski lesson. Should be interesting…

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