
Wednesday 10 July 2013

Uganda/Rwanda day 2

Up early to meet our boat for a trip on Lake Victoria to the planet of the apes.

The boat trip to Ngamba Island, a forested chimpanzee reserve, passed without the usual sounds of Annick ‘reaching’ overboard.

The island is a small piece of security for chimps rescued, orphaned, confiscated or otherwise having a bad day. It’s well organised and, in a small way, effective, but not easy for us humans to interact with as we are kept apart from the chimps with several electric fences and several courses of vaccination!

The island even has its own vet surgery. What a cushy number. 10 days on, 10 days off. Very little to do, all major stuff gets sent to the zoo on the mainland. Oh yes, and no night work; you cannot see black primates in the dark.

A good place to send your excess ultrasound and digital processors though.

After watching the chimps get some supplementary food, we checked out some other locals.

Then hightailed it back to the mainland.

A good relaxing day ready for a long trip tomorrow.

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