
Friday 12 July 2013

Uganda/Rwanda day 5

We drove for about three hours this morning to the Queen Elizabeth National Park, crossing the equator on the way.

Annick was disappointed that she wasn’t the first woman to pee on the equator, but she was given credit for accuracy.

On entering the park area, we took a small detour on the way to our hotel, to see if we could spot any lions. Some passing cyclists (!?!) told us of some that they had recently passed. After a brief spell of driving off road, Sophie spotted something hiding in a giant cactus we were passing by.

A whole pride of lions in one prickly cactus. After that lucky break, we headed on to the hotel, passing elephants en route, once more spotted by Sophie.

Not bad for the first half hour safari although the elephants were not quite as well camouflaged as the lions.

After refilling our stomachs, we set of for a boat trip on the Nile…

…passing mud-baths…

…fish hunters…

Man hunters

Man squashers

Bird on a stick

Then back to dry ground at sun down to gorge ourselves yet again.

Tomorrow morning sees us hunting more lions, then we’ll reciprocate by walking in the bush in the afternoon.

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