
Wednesday 17 July 2013

Uganda/Rwanda day 9

So the sun rises on the day Annick has awaited for most of her life. No jokes about meeting the right man please.

After being briefed on what to do when a silverback gorilla charges at you (clue: change underwear), we set off fully kitted-up with gaiters and gardening gloves, trekking initially through farmland towered over by a volcano shaped like an amusing body part.

Then into the dense tropical rain forest.

After walking and crawling and ducking and tripping for several hours (editors note: 90 minutes) we stumbled across our first gorilla, who just happened to be the largest silverback in the wild anywhere on earth…

Truly magnificent, if not a little pissed off that we had interrupted his dining activities. His charge towards us caused a number of wet patches.

Once he had wondered off in disgust, we turned to see a blackback staring at us. He decided to come across to us, apparently interested in one of the Trekkers mobile phones. No signal though.

We saw eight gorillas all told. Once more we came across the head poncho, this time in a better mood smoking grass.

Before leaving the area, our guide took a photo of the three of us wondering what the hell was going on behind us.

The trip back left us physically and emotional exhausted.

What a great day.

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