
Wednesday 11 November 2020

Gnome-Trek: Episode 7. Into the Plague: Chapter 13

Space. It's really really big. 

These are the continuing voyages of the Flying-Brick ‘Gnome’. Its not too good at flying either...

Chapter 13: Loches Pt 3.

And so we finally managed to escape the keep and its strange inhabitants, only to come across what appeared to be a stag having an epileptic fit. Just beyond; the Royal Lodgings.

This appeared quite opulent from the outside. More windows perhaps?

It was built about three hundred years after the Keep. Yeah, builders were just the same back in those days.

Despite its outer grandeur, inside it was little more than a couple of uninteresting room, 

This was the favourite residence of King Charles VII, who went on to give it to his favourite mistress (he had many of them, poor sod). Her name? Agnes. Amusing huh? She was known to be the first official mistress of the king, a job-description you don't see too often these days. She was apparently very beautiful. There is a portrait of her within with one breast without. Thankfully I have not included a photo here... 

Joan of Arc popped in here for a cup of tea and persuaded Charlie (then called the Dauphin) to go to Reims and, with her help, become King. This was a job he did pretty well, preferring peace to war. He successfully unified much of France. The pope couldn't even persuade him to go on one of his genocidal crusades, so the guy's alright by me.

Agnes was buried in the local church of St Ours. Thankfully she was dead at the time, after apparently being killed by mercury poisoning. 

He then turned the place into a prison. I guess he was upset.

This place was full of history, as well as monsters, but sadly we had to move on. We had a few hours drive before us, to arrive on the northern French coast. 

Our destination for our final overnight stop in France before heading underwater the Merry England was to be Honfleur.

Our plan beyond that was still in doubt.

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