
Thursday 27 May 2021

Garden Strolls: Three walks around Le Parc d'Hyde

Back before the start of this most recent lockdown, I posted a video of a walk around the garden to see what it looked like at the start of spring. It was meant to go into a blog, but events overtook me. The idea was to make a few like this throughout the year to show how Le Parc d'Hyde is growing and (hopefully) flourishing. Well, here it is for those that missed out on this fantastic opportunity the first time... 

Shortly after uploading the above video, a harsh frost hit. This successfully set back half of the plants in my garden, killing a lot of newly opened buds. Then, as you may also have noticed, we had significant amounts of rain and unseasonably low temperatures.

Despite all of the above, the garden is growing, especially the weeds. So here's a second video to show how it's coming on. There are still a lot of bare patches, but they are getting smaller. This week we are to replant some of those that didn't make it through the frost, so come back in three years to see how they're doing...

I walk around the garden several times a day, partly for the love of it, but partly for a dose of hard labour.  There is, however, another reason for taking the air, and that is to empty the hound. As she is fed a high fibre diet, this happens remarkable often producing remarkable volumes. This includes last thing at night. At this time of day when Sky wants her night-crap, the other sky (up above) isn't too bright. Thus, a bonus video...

There you go, that's your exercise for today...

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