
Friday 7 May 2021

Time for a Haircut!

Living in a pandemic does make you rethink your priorities, doesn't it? I was however a little surprised about how everyone seemed to focus in on their hair. There were even protests held to reopen hairdressers. Well, it may come as no surprise to you that personally, I couldn't give a shit. I continued with the same frequency of having mine cut; about a couple of times a year.

However, this week has involved the biggest haircut ever. 

Let me explain...

Nearly five years ago we took on a family of waifs and strays. Six of them to be exact. Six youngsters found starving and thirsty not far from here. Our hearts went out to them, and so we took them in.

Initially we had nowhere for them. Our home was still being renovated, and the outhouses were nowt but muddy patches. Thus, the six just hung around in a group outside the snooker room, as many adolescents do.

Winter was tough on them. We wrapped them in blankets, and even resorted to herding them into the garage when the weather was at its most terrible.

By springtime, they were not looking too good. They were dishevelled and broken. They desperately needed to be put on the straight and narrow.

This was where we were to put them...

At last there was space for them. They were carefully put to bed...

Their next winter was another tough one. Once more we wrapped them up warm. 

By the following year they were definitely growing up, but as with all older adolescents, care was needed. They could be very aggressive, and I suffered many cuts and bruises whilst learning to live with them.

And so, 4 years later, to now; 2021. 

They have come through last winter without any mollycoddling, and are now raring to grow. However, as after every winter, they are looking somewhat dishevelled. 

It's time to cut their hair.

Thankfully I have both a long handled saw and an electric saw. With those I managed to avoid too many cuts.

Having swept the floor of their fallen locks, it was time for these new grown-ups to have their first shave.

 And now they stand tall and proud, behind them a newly opened up vista.

It's good to see your kids grow up. 

Although these may never leave home...


  1. �� Well done Phil ! What a garderner, landscape designer and writer you are ! �� Caro
