
Friday 19 August 2022

A Fortnight in the Wild: Chapter 10

 Time to Dive

Previous Chapter 'Coming and Going' Here.

Glancing away from the elephant's antics we were shocked to see this...

Yet another crossing! How many now? I've no bloody idea.

The first part of this crossing was easy peasy. Shallow, mildly damp with no added jaws.

Unfortunately the next part was much deeper, and would involve a certain amount of swimming. Wildebeest are not designed for swimming. In fact, it is most unlikely that wildebeest were designed at all. They exemplify the theory that evolution happens by accident. Although we all know the evolution DOESN'T happen by accident, that selection occurs through pressures of geography, predation and sex etc, you do have to wonder what kind of selection would end up with a wildebeest. Unnatural selection?

"Yay! I can swim!"

"Er. Maybe not..." Swimming lessons are not provided free of charge to most wildebeest.

"Blub. I'll just hang on to the one in front."

Young wildebeest look to their elders for help. Young wildebeest are ofter disappointed with their lot in life.

There is a disunited mighty effort.

All muscles strain.

Two by two is the preferred biblical method.

Although there are no rules. Climbing on other's backs is perfectly allowable.

Chaos appears to be the winning formula.

This bit of the river is especially difficult. All you have to do is leap over this very deep part onto that not so deep part over there.

Thrust hard with your hind limbs, stretch forward with your forelimbs.

It never fails.

There you go! Not too deep over here at all!

Oh shit.

What an idiot! Anyone can see what he did wrong there!

He who leaps further...


Oh shit.

Despite their complete lack of higher diplomas in swimming, most reach the far side.

But for those young that had trusted their elders...

While their elders caught their breath on a mid stream rock...

...their young struggled with student loan repayments and large underwater grippy things.

Others leapt past in varying degrees of bad samaritanship.

Some perfecting the Grande Jeté.

Then out, and the devil take the hindmost. Which, of course, it did.

Once again, most survived. But not all.

A salutary tale for those relying on the innate ability to swim. Make sure you have plenty of swimming lessons kids.

Thus the second crossing of the day finished. And surely the last.



Not by a long way.

Next Chapter The Gnu Gambit

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