
Tuesday 4 June 2024

Arusha National Park; Day 4 of our Awesome African Adventure.

We are close to the end of our stay in Arusha, which means that internet access may soon fail us as we head a very long way south into the lower reaches of Tanzania. (Editors note: sorry folks, wifi is now available in deepest darkest Africa).

However, for now, here is a quick trip around Arusha National Park, one of the smaller Tanzanian National Parks.

Most of the park is jungle, but this clearing would neatly frame Mount Meru beyond, if it wasn't for the low overhanging clouds. Who said Africa was hot?.

The intrepid adventurers gather...

...on the rim of a crater 3km in diameter.

Accompanied by onlooking spiders...

The local baboons were being photogenic with their bottoms.

As well as exposing their willies

...and just generally being cute.

The colobus monkeys were a little more tricky to photograph because of their preference of being backlit, and a long way away.

And the blue monkeys, even worse. Only a quick glimpse.

These giraffes look to be in a romantic mood...

...but they are actually fighting.

Head butting is de rigueur amongst giraffes. It is now thought that this may actually be the main reason their necks have evolved to become so long. He with the longest neck wins. Simple.

Time to head home from the park home from the park, via swarms of bees; warts and all...

where we caught the final rays of the sun setting over Arusha.

Tomorrow, a day of relaxation before heading off at stupid o'clock for the southern reaches of Tanzania...

Next episode here

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