
Monday 3 June 2024

Leaving Lamothe. Day 1 of our Awesome African Adventure.

Welcome one and all to our latest voyage into the unknown. Well, unknown by us anyway. I'm hoping someone else knows what the hell we are doing...

It seems that we are to spend an entire three weeks in Tanzania, all twenty-one days of it! I'll make a bold attempt to send a blog like this one every now and again, hopefully with a couple of photos lovingly sculpted by mine own hands, with a few well chosen words along with quite a lot of badly chosen ones. The primordial state of the internet in Eastern Africa may defy my best intentions. 

I started writing this blog from a comfy chair in the front end of a huge flying machine whilst it was hurtling between Europe and Africa. We managed to reserve these seats at a much reduced price by booking several lifetimes in advance, our previous attempt having been stricken down by inappropriately placed clots in my inappropriately aging right lower limb. One of the wonders of Covid.

I'll probably finish this blog elsewhere once they realise that I really shouldn't be here in the pilot's seat.

Our voyage started with an overnight stay in Toulouse, which, as it happens, prepared us nicely for the mosquito invasion to come. Here we are, partaking of our last uncivilised meal…

These seats may be reasonably comfortable, but the view from my comfy chair is slightly obscured:

I did, however, manage to take this exciting photo of the exploding sun:

As there are so few photos (aka works of art) available from today, I'll leave you with two videos from our last African Extravaganza, lovingly upscaled to display on your huge 4k screen. If you have so far managed to live without one of these mind-numbingly awesome screens, you now have the perfect excuse to rush out and arrange another mortgage.

First off, the summary of our twelve day trip to Tanzania on YouTube (give it time to buffer, several months may be required...)

Turn up the sound...

Followed by a video focusing on the main reason for us being there. That is, to witness the senseless massacre of countless helpless beasts. 

Nature can be such sweet sorrow.

We did manage our first sunset, stunningly taken by my partner in crime and window blocker...:

Next: Our arrival in and exploration of Arusha, a town famous for its potholes, jettisoned plastic bottles and, erm, cold...

Next episode here


  1. Bon temps à vous deux ☀️ Batchigs

  2. Glad flight went well!
