
Sunday 23 June 2024

Heading Home: Day 21 of our Awesome African Adventure.

And so to our final day here in Tanzania. The last blog. You must be disappointed...

Normally our last day would be just a drive to the airstrip, then the day spent waiting in airports trying to log on to the airport 'free' wifi, but this time, by a major feat of organisation and pure luck, we had almost all day to go on a drive, our flights not starting until mid-afternoon.

So, our last chance to see rhinos. Our last chance to see caracal Our last chance to get completely bogged down and miss that flight.

Finally, on our last day; a decent sunrise. Up until now they had been spoilt by smoke or clouds. Often both. Today, clear sky with only artistically designed clouds to add ambience.

As usual, a giraffe wanders by in the hope of becoming viral on the internet.

Just incase you are crossing your legs in anticipation: No, we did not find rhinos. We did find quite a lot of bogs though...

Also, this cute bat-eared fox...

...and jackals quite happy to pose for the camera.

As usual, there were large herds all sorts of grass-eating meat-on-legs. These topi for instance...

The lions that we followed yesterday are still around and still hungry. Perhaps they couldn't decide which topi to go for?

These kitties are full of love.

Don't try this at home.

We coasted by the Mara again looking for rhinos.

...and yet again got stuck. This was when we realised for sure that the diff-lock was broken. Being towed out also broke the rear bar. Work required...

After this we had to be much more careful, neither wanting to be rescued again nor missing our afternoon flight.

We did, however, manage to attend the local nose waving competition.

We dined next to a pride of lions dozing on some rocks. As one does.

Then, as needs must, we headed for the airstrip to start our laborious journey back home. 

One sad farewell with our guide and friend Ian. No, that's is not him in the photo...

Four flights lasting all night through to mid-morning the next day.

Five bagage checks of increasing intensity and pointlessness.

Multiple meals at unconventional and inconvenient times of day. 

One flight film in multiple small parts interrupted by meals, drinks, announcements, technological blips, and sleep. 

One car trip, trying to remember where we put our bloody parking ticket and which side of the road to drive on.

Two people sad to leave, happy to be home, totally and completely knackered.

The toothpaste made it till the end.


  1. So glad you got there and back ok, and had a wonderful time. 🥰

  2. Geoff and Bernie (we're so anonymous).🤣
