
Sunday 4 April 2021

The Third Lockdown, Day 2: Happy Easter

Easter. It's a weird one isn't it?

What's it all about? Why does it keep moving around so that you cannot pin it down? 

Is it to do with bunny rabbits? Chocolate? Zombies? Chocolate zombie rabbits?

Well no. Which is a great shame because chocolate zombie bunnies could have been the next big thing.

Easter is simply another pagan festival highjacked by some christian zealots. It is, in fact, an ancient festival celebrating the rebirth of the sun at our vernal equinox, when the power of the sun returns & life is born again.

This is why the weeds are such a bloody problem this time of year.

Easter is the festival of Eostre, a Saxon Goddess of sunrise, spring, fertility, new life & immortality. 

And it's all to do with hormones...

The world around us is controlled, not by governments, not by money, not by the Daily Mail, not by pesky artificial intelligences, not even by chocolate zombie bunnies, but by a higher power. 


Everything you do, every breathe you take, every move you make, every bond you break, has behind it the power of hormones. How we behave, how we interact, how we develop, even how we evolve, is defined by hormones. 

Sex, drugs, rock 'n roll.

Blame it all on hormones.

Just take a  look at this guy:

or what about this guy?

Did they end up like this by accident? 


Were they designed? 


Were they selected for? 

Hell yeah! 

The power behind evolution is natural selection, but sexual selection is everywhere you look. Especially in Cardiff town centre...

The start of this lockdown sees, in our garden, the unlocking of the forces of nature. All driven by hormones. Love and war. It's all here, enshrined in complex molecular detail. You gotta love nature...

With another nearly thirty blogs to go, I suspect that sex will rear it's ugly head on more than a few occasions. 

Why else would you read them?

Why else would I write them?

Every move you make
And every vow you break
Every smile you fake
Every claim you stake, 
I'll be watching you.
The Chocolate Zombie Bunny.


  1. Paganism does believe in God's and Goddesses and reincarnation and karma
    They believe in the Summer land where you go between New incarnations for a period of rest and reflection. Reincarnation is viewed as a learning process. Some pagans do believe you eventually reach a heavenly place.
    Happy Easter Phil and Annick x

  2. I forgot to mention human sacrifice was a big thing with Pagans. I think the God's are currently pretty angry with us hence climate change and need appeasing!!!!! Whaddya think?

  3. That nuisance jesus had to come along with his 10 commandments. Thou Shalt not kill pah tell that to the rest of the natural world.

  4. And there was me thinking it was about chocolate eggs!
