
Saturday 24 April 2021

The Third Lockdown, Day 22: Paradise revisited.

Having spent most of my day chasing up my solicitor so that I can pay him for everything I've done (eeesh) trying to complete on selling our little Welsh corner of paradise (contracts finally exchanged), I have eagerly escaped to the Barn Station to work on my little corner of an alternative paradise up there.

Things there are taking shape in the dark corners of this man-cave. The backdrop has been splashed with various shades of blue. The stairway to heaven has been constructed. The flowering cherries are flowering in a cherry-like fashion.

Stairway to Heaven

and Dante's hell is in near creation. Although I use the word advisedly...

Limbo is still in limbo. The grim reaper is waiting nearby, reaping grimly, as is his wont.

How many levels of hell should there be? So far I have two, how about you?

The work of bizarre world-builders is never done...


  1. Staircase looking excellent. As for levels of hell , I’d go 3 , one for each lockdown !

  2. Staircase looking excellent. As for levels of hell , I’d go 3 , one for each lockdown !
