
Sunday 25 April 2021

The Third Lockdown, Day 23: A day in the garden

It is a deeply comforting feeling being in control, or at least near-control, of a garden. Of course, you can never be in full control, nature will always bite you in the arse. Its denizens will aim to blight your work,  or even bite your legs. It sends out waves of microscopic particles to irritate your innermost bodily parts. Vigilance is required. 

Keeping a hectare of garden under domination is hard work, but worth every erg of energy expended. Today used up a lot of ergs, weeding, repairing, pruning and mowing, alive alive-oh. But the fruits of this labour are beginning to flourish.  

Daily, there is change. What was once a wall of red Photinia leaves now transmogrifies into cauli-like flowers...

Japanese roses are bloomin'. 

Bizarre alien creatures are appearin'...


Or, looking at it another way... 

It's hard work, but it is work that pays huge dividends. It should be an Olympic non-contact sport. 

If it was, I would gladly take part. However, the winners would always be a foregone conclusion...

Honey bee on Cotoneaster

The engine of our ecology.

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