
Saturday 3 April 2021

The Third Lockdown, Day 1: Here we go again.

Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more, or close the wall up with our English dead boredom.

Today we enter the third lockdown in France. Once more I will attempt posting something everyday, for reasons better known to the distant parts of my brain stem.

The first time (one year and two weeks ago) was new and challenging. The results of those endeavours can be revisited in this video for the first month...

and this video for the second:

The second lockdown crashed down upon us after having managed a dangerous and challenging trip to the UK. The account of this adventure was told over the thirty days of that lockdown here (in English) or here (in French)

This time? It is just challenging...

I love a challenge, but this one is likely to send me over the edge. As long as the edge is no further than ten kilometres from home and not after seven in the evening. You have to follow the rules even when slowly going insane.

All this locking down, limiting our freedom and general political buffoonery could easily be depressing, but there are some things in life that can overcome this constant pressure, this relentless push towards the edge.



Hmmm... maybe, but try one of these

I think we have found Maman's weak spot.

So please join me tomorrow on day two of this wild adventure. At the very least it will help you to doze off in the evenings...


  1. Love the train scenes, and especially the soundtrack. Keep your spirits up during these difficult times. Love to you all.

  2. Lisa has such a beautiful voice almost made me cry. Keep strong. It's not going to end any time soon. Humanity is crashing and then theres climate change have I mentioned it before?
    , here we go hang on its going to be a bumpy ride and not for the faint hearted. X
